// Start screenstart_pageTitle =

// Start screenstart_pageTitle = "А

// Start screen
start_pageTitle = "Автоматическая настройка компьютера";
start_searchResult1 = "Найдены драйверы и программы для обновления и установки";
start_searchResult2 = "Найдены драйверы и программы для обновления и установки";
start_searchResult3 = "Найдены драйверы и программы для обновления и установки";
start_installAllButton = "Установить автоматически";
start_counterLabels = "Драйверы: {{DRIVERS}}, программы: {{SOFT}}";
start_or = "или";
start_installManuallyButton = "Установить вручную";

ui2_singleDriver = "Драйверы";

button_prev = "Назад";
button_next = "Вперед";
button_finish = "Готово";
content_driver = "DriverPack автоматически определил драйверы, которые нужны вашему компьютеру. Осталось только нажать на кнопку Установить!";
content_programm = "Зачем вручную искать софт? Доверьтесь в выборе софта DriverPack Solution.";
content_diagnostics = "Диагностика компьютера, как на ладони.";
content_settings = "Включи режим эксперта, если ты профи!";
button_devmgmt = "Диспетчер устройств";
button_devmgmt_h = "D:: Открыть окно Диспетчер устройств";
button_msinfo = "S:: Информация о системе";
button_msinfo_h = "S:: Открыть окно с информация о системе";
button_refresh = "Обновить окно";
button_refresh_h = "R:: Просканировать устройства, подобрать драйверы и обновить окно";
button_chkAll = "Выбрать все";
button_chkAll_h = "A:: Выделить все драйверы в раскрытых категориях";
button_instAll = "Установить";
button_instAll_h = "I:: Установить выделенные драйверы";
button_indexAll = "Индексировать";
button_indexAll_h = "Запустить индексацию";
button_settings = "Настройки";
button_expert_mode = "Режим эксперта";
button_expert_mode_h = "Включить расширенный интерфейс";
button_options = "Параметры";
button_analysis_log = "Журнал анализа";
button_mode = "Режим работы:";
button_modeSmart = "Установка драйверов";
button_modeSmart_h = "Установка драйверов с подбором оптимальных";
button_modeCreatingDB = "Индексация драйвер-паков";
button_modeCreatingDB_h = "Произвести индексацию, чтобы можно было искать драйвер в драйвер-паках";
button_silent = "Тихая установка";
button_silent_h = "Не показывать диалоговые окна";
button_CPUtemp = "Температура процессора";
button_CPUtemp_h = "Автоопределение температуры процессора";
button_logsCurFolder = "Сохранять логи на диске";
button_logsCurFolder_h ="Сохранение журнала работы программы на жестком диске - Изменения вступят в силу при следующем запуске программы";
button_activeDrvUpdater = "Активировать DriverUpdater";
button_OEMInstall = "Прописывать OEM информацию";
button_forced = "Принудительная";
button_forced_h = "Установить драйвер, даже если в системе уже есть более подходящий драйвер";
button_start_page = "Установить нашу стартовую страницу";
button_start_page_h = "Установить стартовую страницу в браузерах";
button_signIgnor = "Устанавливать неподписанные драйверы";
button_signIgnor_h = "Пытаться автоматически продолжать установку неподписанных драйверов";
button_lang = "Язык:";
button_lang_h = "Изменить язык интерфейса";
button_individAssist = "Индивидуальная помощь";
button_individAssist_h ="";
button_bug = "Сообщить об ошибке (создание отчета)";
button_bug_h = "";
button_about = "О программе";
button_about_h = "";
button_help = "Справка";
button_help_h = "";
button_builder = "Конструктор";
button_builder_h = "";
button_configurator = "Конфигуратор обновлений";
button_configurator_h = "";
button_screenshot = "Сделать скриншот окна (необходим для отчета)";
button_screenshot_h = "";
button_delete = "Удалить";
button_cancel = "Отменить";
button_continue = "Продолжить";

con_title = "Центр автоматической установки драйверов";
con_system = "Система";
con_title12 = "Центр автоматической настройки компьютера";
con_diagnostics = "Диагностика";

con_driver_available = "Неустановленные драйверы";
con_driver_available_h = "Необходимые драйверы были найдены в драйвер-паках и их можно установить.";
con_no_driver = "Неизвестные драйверы";
con_no_driver_h = "Необходимые драйверы не были найдены в драверпаках. Попробуйте 'поиск в сети'.";
con_driver_new = "Обновления для драйверов";
con_driver_new_h = "Более свежие драйверы были найдены в драйвер-паках и их можно установить.";
con_driver_uptodate = "Установленные драйверы (актуальные)";
con_driver_uptodate_h = "Драйверы установлены и работают корректно.";
con_driver_old = "Установленные драйверы (устаревшие)";
con_driver_old_h = "Установленные драйверы более свежие. Вам не нужно устанавливать эти драйверы, за исключением ситуации, когда более уже установленные работают нестабильно.";
con_driver_unknown = "Установленные драйверы (неизвестные)";
con_driver_unknown_h = "Драйвера установлены и работают. Однако соответствующие драйверы не были найдены в драйвер-паках. Возможно, не установлены нужные драйвер-паки, драйвер не был включен в драйвер-пак или эти устройства являются системными";
con_driver_standard = "Установленные драйверы (стандартные)";
con_driver_standard_h = "Драйверы установлены и работают. Однако соответствующие драйверы не были найдены в драйвер-паках. Возможно, не установлены нужные драйвер-паки, драйвер не был включен в драйвер-пак или эти устройства являются системными";
con_driverpacks = "Все драйвер-паки";
con_driverpacks_h = "Список загруженных драйвер-паков";

con_tryManualMode = "Некоторые драйверы могли быть не установлены";

system_comp = "Компьютер:";
system_BIOS = "BIOS:";
system_processor = "Процессор:";
system_procTemp = "P:: Мониторинг температуры процессора";
system_memory = "Память (RAM):";
system_HDD = "Жесткие диски:";
system_video = "Видео:";
system_version = "Редакция:";
system_winsystem = "Система:";
system_instDate = "Дата установки:";
system_Date_Day = "дней";
system_Date_Day_morf1 = "дней";
system_Date_Day_morf2 = "дня";
system_Date_Day_morf3 = "день";
system_instDate_hint = "Вы недавно установили Windows на этот компьютер. Поэтому мы рекомендуем обновить драйвера на чипсет, даже если они уже были установлены вместе с Windows!";
system_instDate_hint_title = "Рекомендация!";

alert_completed = "Операция завершена.";
alert_notSelected = "Не выбраны драйверы для установки.";
alert_waitInstall = "Пожалуйста, дождитесь окончания установки.";
alert_notFolder = "Не найдена папка с архивами! Работа программы не возможна!
Создайте папку Drivers и поместите в нее 7z-архивы драйверов.
Подробная инструкция на сайте www.drp.su";
alert_folderEmpty = "Папка Drivers не содержит драйвер-паков! Без них работа программы не возможна!
Подробная инструкция на сайте www.drp.su";
alert_askInstall = "Приступить к в
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Start screenstart_pageTitle = "automatically configure the computer";start_searchResult1 = "found the drivers and software for the upgrade and installation";start_searchResult2 = "found the drivers and software for the upgrade and installation";start_searchResult3 = "found the drivers and software for the upgrade and installation";start_installAllButton = "set automatically";start_counterLabels = "drivers: {{DRIVERS}}, program: {{SOFT}}";start_or = "or";start_installManuallyButton = "install manually";ui2_singleDriver = "drivers";button_prev = "back";button_next = "Forward";button_finish = "done";content_driver = "DriverPack automatically identified drivers that are needed by your computer. The only thing left is to click on the install button! ";content_programm = "why manually search software? Trust in choosing software DriverPack Solution. ";content_diagnostics = "Diagnostics computer.";content_settings = "activate the expert mode, if you're a pro!";button_devmgmt = "Device Manager";button_devmgmt_h = "D: Open Device Manager window";button_msinfo = "S: System Info";button_msinfo_h = "S: open a window with system information";button_refresh = "refresh window";button_refresh_h = "r:: Scan device, choose drivers and update the window";button_chkAll = "select all";button_chkAll_h = "A: select all drivers in expanded categories";button_instAll = "install";button_instAll_h = "(I): Install the selected drivers";button_indexAll = "Index";button_indexAll_h = "launch indexing";button_settings = "settings";button_expert_mode = "expert mode";button_expert_mode_h = "enable advanced interface";button_options = "options";button_analysis_log = "log analysis";button_mode = "mode:";button_modeSmart = "install";button_modeSmart_h = "install the driver with the selection of the best";button_modeCreatingDB = indexing driver-packs ";button_modeCreatingDB_h = "to index, so that you can search for drivers in a driver package";button_silent = "silent installation";button_silent_h = "do not show this dialog boxes";button_CPUtemp = "CPU temperature";button_CPUtemp_h = "auto detect CPU temperature";button_logsCurFolder = "Save logs to disk";button_logsCurFolder_h = "save a log of the operation of the program on the hard disk-the changes will take effect the next time you run the program";button_activeDrvUpdater = "activate DriverUpdater";button_OEMInstall = "Write OEM information";button_forced = "forced";button_forced_h = "install the driver, even if the system already has a suitable driver";button_start_page = "install our homepage";button_start_page_h = "set home page in the browser";button_signIgnor = "install unsigned drivers";button_signIgnor_h = "automatically try to continue installing unsigned drivers";button_lang = "language:";button_lang_h = "Change interface language";button_individAssist = "personal assistance";button_individAssist_h = "";button_bug = "report a bug (create report)";button_bug_h = "";button_about = "about";button_about_h = "";button_help = "help";button_help_h = "";button_builder = "designer";button_builder_h = "";button_configurator = "update Configurator";button_configurator_h = "";button_screenshot = "make a screenshot of a window (required for report)";button_screenshot_h = "";button_delete = "delete";button_cancel = "Cancel";button_continue = "continue";con_title = "Center automatic driver installation";con_system = "system";con_title12 = "Center automatic computer settings";con_diagnostics = "Diagnostics";con_driver_available = "Unknown drivers";con_driver_available_h = "the drivers were found in a driver package and can be installed.";con_no_driver = "unknown drivers";con_no_driver_h = "the drivers were not found in draverpakah. Try ' search network '. ";con_driver_new = "update drivers";con_driver_new_h = "More fresh drivers were found in a driver package and can be installed.";con_driver_uptodate = "installed drivers (topical)";con_driver_uptodate_h = "drivers are installed and working correctly.";con_driver_old = "installed drivers (obsolete)";con_driver_old_h = "installed drivers more fresh. You do not need to install these drivers, except in situations where a more unstable work already installed. ";con_driver_unknown = "installed drivers (unknown)";con_driver_unknown_h = "driver is installed and running. But the drivers were not found in the driver package. May not have the correct driver-packs, the driver was not included in the driver pack or these devices are system ";con_driver_standard = "installed drivers (standard)";con_driver_standard_h = "drivers are installed and working. But the drivers were not found in the driver package. May not have the correct driver-packs, the driver was not included in the driver pack or these devices are system ";con_driverpacks = "all driver-packs";con_driverpacks_h = "the list of loaded drivers Pack";con_tryManualMode = "some drivers might not be installed";system_comp = "computer:";system_BIOS = "BIOS:";system_processor = "processor:";system_procTemp = "P: Monitor CPU temperature";system_memory = "memory (RAM):";system_HDD = "hard drives:";system_video = "video:";system_version = "revision";system_winsystem = ":";system_instDate = "install date:";system_Date_Day = "days";system_Date_Day_morf1 = "days";system_Date_Day_morf2 = "day";system_Date_Day_morf3 = "day";system_instDate_hint = "you have recently installed Windows on this computer. Therefore, we recommend that you update the driver on the chipset, even if they have already been installed together with the Windows! ";system_instDate_hint_title = "recommendation!";alert_completed = "operation completed.";alert_notSelected = "you have not selected any drivers to install.";alert_waitInstall = "Please wait until the installation.";alert_notFolder = "folder not found archives! The program is not possible!
Создайте Drivers folder and place it in the 7z archives drivers.
Подробная instruction on the site www.drp.su ";alert_folderEmpty = "the folder does not contain Drivers driver-packs! Without them, the program is not possible!
detailed instructions on the site www.drp.su ";alert_askInstall = "begin in
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Etpu Start screen //
start_pageTitle = "Automatically adjusts the computer";
start_searchResult1 = "Find drivers and software to update and install";
start_searchResult2 = "Find drivers and software to update and install";
start_searchResult3 = "Find drivers and software to update and install" ;
start_installAllButton = "Set automatically";
start_counterLabels = "Drivers: {{DRIVERS}}, program: {{SOFT}}";
start_or = "or";
start_installManuallyButton = "Set manually"; ui2_singleDriver = "Drivers"; button_prev = " Back "; button_next =" Next "; button_finish =" Finish "; content_driver =" DriverPack automatically detect the driver you want to your computer. You're just a click on the Install button! "; content_programm =" Why manually search for software? Put your trust in choosing software DriverPack Solution. "; content_diagnostics =" Diagnosis of a computer at a glance. "; content_settings =" Turn on expert mode, if you are a pro! "; button_devmgmt =" Device Manager "; button_devmgmt_h =" D :: Open Device Manager window "; button_msinfo = "S :: System Information"; button_msinfo_h = "S :: Open a window with information about the system"; button_refresh = "Refresh window"; button_refresh_h = "R :: Scan device drivers to pick up and update a window"; button_chkAll = "Select all "; button_chkAll_h =" A :: Select all drivers disclosed in the categories "; button_instAll =" Set "; button_instAll_h =" :: I set the selected drivers "; button_indexAll =" Index "; button_indexAll_h =" Start index "; button_settings =" Settings "; button_expert_mode =" Expert mode "; button_expert_mode_h =" Enable advanced interface "; button_options =" Settings "; button_analysis_log =" log analysis "; button_mode =" Mode: "; button_modeSmart =" Drivers Installation "; button_modeSmart_h =" Installation drivers with the selection of the best "; button_modeCreatingDB =" Indexing driver packs "; button_modeCreatingDB_h =" Perform indexing, so you can look for a driver in the driver-packs "; button_silent =" Silent Installation "; button_silent_h =" Do not show dialogs "; button_CPUtemp = "CPU temperature"; button_CPUtemp_h = "Auto-detect CPU temperature"; button_logsCurFolder = "Save log to disk"; button_logsCurFolder_h = "Saving the log of the program on your hard drive - The changes will take effect the next time you start the program"; button_activeDrvUpdater = "Activate DriverUpdater"; button_OEMInstall = "prescribed OEM information"; button_forced = "Force"; button_forced_h = "Install driver, even if the system already has a suitable driver"; button_start_page = "Set our home page"; button_start_page_h = "Set the home page in the browser"; button_signIgnor = "Install unsigned drivers"; button_signIgnor_h = "Attempt to automatically continue the installation of unsigned drivers"; button_lang = "Language:"; button_lang_h = "Change interface language"; button_individAssist = "Individual assistance"; button_individAssist_h = ""; button_bug = "Report Error (creation of the report) "; button_bug_h =" "; button_about =" About the program "; button_about_h =" "; button_help =" Help "; button_help_h =" "; button_builder =" Designer "; button_builder_h =" "; button_configurator =" Configurator updates "; button_configurator_h =" "; button_screenshot =" Take a screenshot of the window (required for report) "; button_screenshot_h =" "; button_delete =" Remove "; button_cancel =" Cancel "; button_continue =" Continue "; con_title =" Center for automatic install the drivers'; con_system = "system"; con_title12 = "Center for automatic settings of your computer"; con_diagnostics = "Diagnostics"; con_driver_available = "unknown drivers"; con_driver_available_h = "Necessary drivers are found in the driver-packs and set them up."; con_no_driver = "Unknown driver"; con_no_driver_h = "required drivers were not found in draverpakah. Try 'Search network'. "; Con_driver_new =" Updates for drivers "; con_driver_new_h =" More recent drivers have been found in the driver-packs and set them up. "; Con_driver_uptodate =" Installed drivers (current) "; con_driver_uptodate_h =" Drivers installed and working properly. "; con_driver_old =" Installed drivers (obsolete) "; con_driver_old_h =" Installed drivers fresher. You do not need to install these drivers, except in a situation where a set has become unstable. "; Con_driver_unknown =" Installed drivers (unknown) "; con_driver_unknown_h =" The drivers are installed and working. However, the appropriate drivers are not found in the driver-packs. Did not set the desired driver packs, the driver was not included in the driver pack or the devices are system "; con_driver_standard =" Installed Drivers (standard) "; con_driver_standard_h =" The drivers are installed and working. However, the appropriate drivers are not found in the driver-packs. Did not set the desired driver packs, the driver was not included in the driver pack or the devices are system "; con_driverpacks =" All the driver packs "; con_driverpacks_h =" List of uploaded driver packs "; con_tryManualMode =" Some of the drivers could be not installed "; system_comp =" Computer: "; system_BIOS =" the BIOS: "; system_processor =" Processor: "; system_procTemp =" P :: CPU temperature monitoring "; system_memory =" Memory (RAM): "; system_HDD =" Hard Drives: "; system_video =" Video: "; system_version =" Revision: "; system_winsystem =" System: "; system_instDate =" Installation date: "; system_Date_Day =" days "; system_Date_Day_morf1 =" days "; system_Date_Day_morf2 =" date " ; system_Date_Day_morf3 = "day"; system_instDate_hint = "You recently installed Windows on this computer. Therefore, we recommend that you update the driver on the chip, even if they have already been installed with the Windows! "; System_instDate_hint_title =" Recommended! "; Alert_completed =" The operation is complete. "; Alert_notSelected =" Do not select a driver to install. "; Alert_waitInstall =" Please Wait until the installation is completed. "; alert_notFolder =" not found a folder with files! The work program is not possible! R nCreate Drivers folder and place it in the archives of 7z-driver. R nPodrobnaya guide online www.drp.su "; alert_folderEmpty =" Drivers folder contains the driver packs! Without them, the work program is not possible! R n Detailed instructions on the website www.drp.su "; alert_askInstall =" Start in

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!

/ / start screen
start _ pageTitle = "automatic configuration of computer;
start _ searchResult1 =" found drivers and programs для  updating the и  installation;
start _ searchResult2 = "found drivers and programs для  updating the и  installation;.start _ searchResult3 = "found drivers and programs для  updating the и  installation;
start _ installAllButton =" install automatically ";
start _ counterLabels =" drivers: {{DRIVERS}},, {{program}}
3 soft "; _ or =" or ";
start _ installManuallyButton =" install manually.

ui2 _ singleDriver = "drivers,"

"button _ prev =" back "button _;
next =" forward ";" button _ finish = "ready"; "the content _ driver =" DriverPack automatically identified the drivers for your computer. just click on install. ;.content _ programm = "why manually search software? trust in the choice of software DriverPack solution.;
content _ diagnostics = "diagnosis computer at hand."
content _ settings = "give me the expert, if you're a pro!" ;
button _ devmgmt = "device manager";.button _ devmgmt _ (h = d:: open the device manager ";" button _ msinfo = "s:: information system;
button _ msinfo _ (h =" s:: open the window with information about the system ";" button _ refresh = "update window;
button _ refresh _ h =" r:: scan devicefind drivers and to update the window;
button _ chkAll = "select all"; "the button _ chkAll _ (h =" a:: select all drivers in the exposed categories ";" button _ instAll = "a"; "button _ instAll _ (h =" i:: install the drivers;
button _ indexAll = "index";.button _ indexAll _ (h = "start indexing;
button _ settings =" settings "button;
_ expert _ mode =" the expert ";" button _ expert _ mode _ (h = "to include the extended interface"; "button _ options = parameters;
button _ analysis _ log =" log analysis;
button _ mode = "mode,"; "button _ modeSmart = "installation of drivers,"
"button _ modeSmart _ (h =" installation of drivers with a selection of the best ";" button _ modeCreatingDB = "indexing driver packs;
button _ modeCreatingDB _ (h =" to make indexing to looking for the driver in the driver's паках ";.button _ silent = "silent install;
button _ silent _ (h =" don't show the dialog boxes ";" button _ CPUtemp = "processor temperature;
button _ CPUtemp _ (h =" automatic determination processor temperature;
button _ logsCurFolder = "maintain logs to disk";.button _ logsCurFolder _ (h = "the magazine work program on the hard disk, the changes will take effect the next time you start the program,"
"button _ activeDrvUpdater =" activate DriverUpdater;
button _ OEMInstall = "fixed oem information";.button _ "=" forced ";" button _ forced _ (h = "install the driver even if the system has a better driver"; "button _ start _ page =" to our start page ";" button _ start _ page _ (h = "set the start page in the browser";.button _ signIgnor = "install unsigned drivers;
button _ signIgnor _ (h =" to automatically continue the installation of unsigned drivers;
button _ lang = "language"; "button _ lang _ (h =" change language ";.button _ individAssist = "personal assistance"; "the button _ individAssist _ (h =" ";" the button _ bug = "report a bug (a record);
button _ bug _ (h =" ";" the button _ about = "" programme;
button _ about _ (h = "";
button _ help = "help" button _ help _;
h = ""; "the button _ than =" constructor ";" button _ than _ (h = ""; "button _ configurator = "configurator updates;
button _ configurator _ (h =" ";" the button _ screenshot = "make a screenshot of the window (required for the record);
button _ screenshot _ (h =" ";" the button _ delete = "delete" button;
_ cancel = "cancel";. button _ continue = "continue"

;with _ title = "center of automatic installation of drivers;
with _ system =" system ";
with _ title12 =" center automatic configuration of computer;
with _ diagnostics = "diagnosis";

with _ driver _ available = "unknown" drivers ".with _ driver _ available _ (h = "the necessary drivers were found in the driver, and can be set паках."
with _ no _ driver = "unknown drivers;
with _ no _ driver _ (h =" the drivers were not found in the драверпаках. try 'web search;
.' "with _ driver _ new = "update for drivers;
with _ driver _ new _ (h =" more recent drivers were found in the driver, and can be set паках. "
with _ driver _ uptodate =" the drivers (topical) ";.with _ driver _ uptodate _ (h = "drivers are installed and working properly."
with _ driver _ old = "the drivers (obsolete);
with _ driver _ old _ (h =" the drivers more fresh. you do not need to install these driversexcept for the situations when the prescribed work is unstable. "
with _ driver _ unknown =" the drivers (unknown);
with _ driver _ unknown _ (h = "drivers are installed and working.however, the drivers were not found in the driver's паках. maybe not installed the driver packs, the driver was not included in the park or the devices are systemic;.with _ driver _ standard = "the drivers (standard);
with _ driver _ standard _ (h =" drivers are installed and working. however, the drivers were not found in the driver's паках. maybe not installed the driver packs.the driver was not included in the park or the devices are systemic;
with _ driverpacks = "all driver packs;
with _ driverpacks _ (h =" list of loaded driver packs;

with _ tryManualMode = "some drivers may not be installed"

;system _ comp = "computer";
system _ bios = "bios"; "the system _ processor =" processor ";
system _ procTemp =" p:: monitoring the temperature of the cpu;
system _ memory = "memory (ram):";
system _ hdd = "hard drives:;
system _ video =" video: ";
system _ version =" i ";
system _ winsystem =" system: ";.system _ instDate = "date of installation:";
system _ date _ day = "days"; "system _ date _ day _ morf1 =" days ";" system _ date _ day _ morf2 = "day";
system _ date _ day _ morf3 = "day", "the system _ instDate _ out =" you recently installed windows on this computer. therefore, we recommend that you update your drivers on the chipset.even if they have already been installed with windows. " ;
system _ instDate _ out _ title = "recommendation".

; [_ completed = "transaction completed";
alert _ notSelected = "selected drivers to install."
alert _ waitInstall = "please wait for the installation to complete."
[_ notFolder = "not found a folder of files. the work programme is not possible. the r nсоздайте folder drivers and put it 7z archives drivers. r nподробная instruction on the site www.drp.su;
alert _ folderEmpty = "file contains the drivers driver packs!without them, the work of the programme is not possible. the r n detailed instruction on the site www.drp.su;
alert _ askInstall = "start in
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