// Start screen
start_pageTitle = "Автоматическая настройка компьютера";
start_searchResult1 = "Найдены драйверы и программы для обновления и установки";
start_searchResult2 = "Найдены драйверы и программы для обновления и установки";
start_searchResult3 = "Найдены драйверы и программы для обновления и установки";
start_installAllButton = "Установить автоматически";
start_counterLabels = "Драйверы: {{DRIVERS}}, программы: {{SOFT}}";
start_or = "или";
start_installManuallyButton = "Установить вручную";
ui2_singleDriver = "Драйверы";
button_prev = "Назад";
button_next = "Вперед";
button_finish = "Готово";
content_driver = "DriverPack автоматически определил драйверы, которые нужны вашему компьютеру. Осталось только нажать на кнопку Установить!";
content_programm = "Зачем вручную искать софт? Доверьтесь в выборе софта DriverPack Solution.";
content_diagnostics = "Диагностика компьютера, как на ладони.";
content_settings = "Включи режим эксперта, если ты профи!";
button_devmgmt = "Диспетчер устройств";
button_devmgmt_h = "D:: Открыть окно Диспетчер устройств";
button_msinfo = "S:: Информация о системе";
button_msinfo_h = "S:: Открыть окно с информация о системе";
button_refresh = "Обновить окно";
button_refresh_h = "R:: Просканировать устройства, подобрать драйверы и обновить окно";
button_chkAll = "Выбрать все";
button_chkAll_h = "A:: Выделить все драйверы в раскрытых категориях";
button_instAll = "Установить";
button_instAll_h = "I:: Установить выделенные драйверы";
button_indexAll = "Индексировать";
button_indexAll_h = "Запустить индексацию";
button_settings = "Настройки";
button_expert_mode = "Режим эксперта";
button_expert_mode_h = "Включить расширенный интерфейс";
button_options = "Параметры";
button_analysis_log = "Журнал анализа";
button_mode = "Режим работы:";
button_modeSmart = "Установка драйверов";
button_modeSmart_h = "Установка драйверов с подбором оптимальных";
button_modeCreatingDB = "Индексация драйвер-паков";
button_modeCreatingDB_h = "Произвести индексацию, чтобы можно было искать драйвер в драйвер-паках";
button_silent = "Тихая установка";
button_silent_h = "Не показывать диалоговые окна";
button_CPUtemp = "Температура процессора";
button_CPUtemp_h = "Автоопределение температуры процессора";
button_logsCurFolder = "Сохранять логи на диске";
button_logsCurFolder_h ="Сохранение журнала работы программы на жестком диске - Изменения вступят в силу при следующем запуске программы";
button_activeDrvUpdater = "Активировать DriverUpdater";
button_OEMInstall = "Прописывать OEM информацию";
button_forced = "Принудительная";
button_forced_h = "Установить драйвер, даже если в системе уже есть более подходящий драйвер";
button_start_page = "Установить нашу стартовую страницу";
button_start_page_h = "Установить стартовую страницу в браузерах";
button_signIgnor = "Устанавливать неподписанные драйверы";
button_signIgnor_h = "Пытаться автоматически продолжать установку неподписанных драйверов";
button_lang = "Язык:";
button_lang_h = "Изменить язык интерфейса";
button_individAssist = "Индивидуальная помощь";
button_individAssist_h ="";
button_bug = "Сообщить об ошибке (создание отчета)";
button_bug_h = "";
button_about = "О программе";
button_about_h = "";
button_help = "Справка";
button_help_h = "";
button_builder = "Конструктор";
button_builder_h = "";
button_configurator = "Конфигуратор обновлений";
button_configurator_h = "";
button_screenshot = "Сделать скриншот окна (необходим для отчета)";
button_screenshot_h = "";
button_delete = "Удалить";
button_cancel = "Отменить";
button_continue = "Продолжить";
con_title = "Центр автоматической установки драйверов";
con_system = "Система";
con_title12 = "Центр автоматической настройки компьютера";
con_diagnostics = "Диагностика";
con_driver_available = "Неустановленные драйверы";
con_driver_available_h = "Необходимые драйверы были найдены в драйвер-паках и их можно установить.";
con_no_driver = "Неизвестные драйверы";
con_no_driver_h = "Необходимые драйверы не были найдены в драверпаках. Попробуйте 'поиск в сети'.";
con_driver_new = "Обновления для драйверов";
con_driver_new_h = "Более свежие драйверы были найдены в драйвер-паках и их можно установить.";
con_driver_uptodate = "Установленные драйверы (актуальные)";
con_driver_uptodate_h = "Драйверы установлены и работают корректно.";
con_driver_old = "Установленные драйверы (устаревшие)";
con_driver_old_h = "Установленные драйверы более свежие. Вам не нужно устанавливать эти драйверы, за исключением ситуации, когда более уже установленные работают нестабильно.";
con_driver_unknown = "Установленные драйверы (неизвестные)";
con_driver_unknown_h = "Драйвера установлены и работают. Однако соответствующие драйверы не были найдены в драйвер-паках. Возможно, не установлены нужные драйвер-паки, драйвер не был включен в драйвер-пак или эти устройства являются системными";
con_driver_standard = "Установленные драйверы (стандартные)";
con_driver_standard_h = "Драйверы установлены и работают. Однако соответствующие драйверы не были найдены в драйвер-паках. Возможно, не установлены нужные драйвер-паки, драйвер не был включен в драйвер-пак или эти устройства являются системными";
con_driverpacks = "Все драйвер-паки";
con_driverpacks_h = "Список загруженных драйвер-паков";
con_tryManualMode = "Некоторые драйверы могли быть не установлены";
system_comp = "Компьютер:";
system_BIOS = "BIOS:";
system_processor = "Процессор:";
system_procTemp = "P:: Мониторинг температуры процессора";
system_memory = "Память (RAM):";
system_HDD = "Жесткие диски:";
system_video = "Видео:";
system_version = "Редакция:";
system_winsystem = "Система:";
system_instDate = "Дата установки:";
system_Date_Day = "дней";
system_Date_Day_morf1 = "дней";
system_Date_Day_morf2 = "дня";
system_Date_Day_morf3 = "день";
system_instDate_hint = "Вы недавно установили Windows на этот компьютер. Поэтому мы рекомендуем обновить драйвера на чипсет, даже если они уже были установлены вместе с Windows!";
system_instDate_hint_title = "Рекомендация!";
alert_completed = "Операция завершена.";
alert_notSelected = "Не выбраны драйверы для установки.";
alert_waitInstall = "Пожалуйста, дождитесь окончания установки.";
alert_notFolder = "Не найдена папка с архивами! Работа программы не возможна!
Создайте папку Drivers и поместите в нее 7z-архивы драйверов.
Подробная инструкция на сайте www.drp.su";
alert_folderEmpty = "Папка Drivers не содержит драйвер-паков! Без них работа программы не возможна!
Подробная инструкция на сайте www.drp.su";
alert_askInstall = "Приступить к в
Start screenstart_pageTitle = "automatically configure the computer";start_searchResult1 = "found the drivers and software for the upgrade and installation";start_searchResult2 = "found the drivers and software for the upgrade and installation";start_searchResult3 = "found the drivers and software for the upgrade and installation";start_installAllButton = "set automatically";start_counterLabels = "drivers: {{DRIVERS}}, program: {{SOFT}}";start_or = "or";start_installManuallyButton = "install manually";ui2_singleDriver = "drivers";button_prev = "back";button_next = "Forward";button_finish = "done";content_driver = "DriverPack automatically identified drivers that are needed by your computer. The only thing left is to click on the install button! ";content_programm = "why manually search software? Trust in choosing software DriverPack Solution. ";content_diagnostics = "Diagnostics computer.";content_settings = "activate the expert mode, if you're a pro!";button_devmgmt = "Device Manager";button_devmgmt_h = "D: Open Device Manager window";button_msinfo = "S: System Info";button_msinfo_h = "S: open a window with system information";button_refresh = "refresh window";button_refresh_h = "r:: Scan device, choose drivers and update the window";button_chkAll = "select all";button_chkAll_h = "A: select all drivers in expanded categories";button_instAll = "install";button_instAll_h = "(I): Install the selected drivers";button_indexAll = "Index";button_indexAll_h = "launch indexing";button_settings = "settings";button_expert_mode = "expert mode";button_expert_mode_h = "enable advanced interface";button_options = "options";button_analysis_log = "log analysis";button_mode = "mode:";button_modeSmart = "install";button_modeSmart_h = "install the driver with the selection of the best";button_modeCreatingDB = indexing driver-packs ";button_modeCreatingDB_h = "to index, so that you can search for drivers in a driver package";button_silent = "silent installation";button_silent_h = "do not show this dialog boxes";button_CPUtemp = "CPU temperature";button_CPUtemp_h = "auto detect CPU temperature";button_logsCurFolder = "Save logs to disk";button_logsCurFolder_h = "save a log of the operation of the program on the hard disk-the changes will take effect the next time you run the program";button_activeDrvUpdater = "activate DriverUpdater";button_OEMInstall = "Write OEM information";button_forced = "forced";button_forced_h = "install the driver, even if the system already has a suitable driver";button_start_page = "install our homepage";button_start_page_h = "set home page in the browser";button_signIgnor = "install unsigned drivers";button_signIgnor_h = "automatically try to continue installing unsigned drivers";button_lang = "language:";button_lang_h = "Change interface language";button_individAssist = "personal assistance";button_individAssist_h = "";button_bug = "report a bug (create report)";button_bug_h = "";button_about = "about";button_about_h = "";button_help = "help";button_help_h = "";button_builder = "designer";button_builder_h = "";button_configurator = "update Configurator";button_configurator_h = "";button_screenshot = "make a screenshot of a window (required for report)";button_screenshot_h = "";button_delete = "delete";button_cancel = "Cancel";button_continue = "continue";con_title = "Center automatic driver installation";con_system = "system";con_title12 = "Center automatic computer settings";con_diagnostics = "Diagnostics";con_driver_available = "Unknown drivers";con_driver_available_h = "the drivers were found in a driver package and can be installed.";con_no_driver = "unknown drivers";con_no_driver_h = "the drivers were not found in draverpakah. Try ' search network '. ";con_driver_new = "update drivers";con_driver_new_h = "More fresh drivers were found in a driver package and can be installed.";con_driver_uptodate = "installed drivers (topical)";con_driver_uptodate_h = "drivers are installed and working correctly.";con_driver_old = "installed drivers (obsolete)";con_driver_old_h = "installed drivers more fresh. You do not need to install these drivers, except in situations where a more unstable work already installed. ";con_driver_unknown = "installed drivers (unknown)";con_driver_unknown_h = "driver is installed and running. But the drivers were not found in the driver package. May not have the correct driver-packs, the driver was not included in the driver pack or these devices are system ";con_driver_standard = "installed drivers (standard)";con_driver_standard_h = "drivers are installed and working. But the drivers were not found in the driver package. May not have the correct driver-packs, the driver was not included in the driver pack or these devices are system ";con_driverpacks = "all driver-packs";con_driverpacks_h = "the list of loaded drivers Pack";con_tryManualMode = "some drivers might not be installed";system_comp = "computer:";system_BIOS = "BIOS:";system_processor = "processor:";system_procTemp = "P: Monitor CPU temperature";system_memory = "memory (RAM):";system_HDD = "hard drives:";system_video = "video:";system_version = "revision";system_winsystem = ":";system_instDate = "install date:";system_Date_Day = "days";system_Date_Day_morf1 = "days";system_Date_Day_morf2 = "day";system_Date_Day_morf3 = "day";system_instDate_hint = "you have recently installed Windows on this computer. Therefore, we recommend that you update the driver on the chipset, even if they have already been installed together with the Windows! ";system_instDate_hint_title = "recommendation!";alert_completed = "operation completed.";alert_notSelected = "you have not selected any drivers to install.";alert_waitInstall = "Please wait until the installation.";alert_notFolder = "folder not found archives! The program is not possible!
Создайте Drivers folder and place it in the 7z archives drivers.
Подробная instruction on the site www.drp.su ";alert_folderEmpty = "the folder does not contain Drivers driver-packs! Without them, the program is not possible!
detailed instructions on the site www.drp.su ";alert_askInstall = "begin in
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..

Etpu Start screen //
start_pageTitle = "Automatically adjusts the computer";
start_searchResult1 = "Find drivers and software to update and install";
start_searchResult2 = "Find drivers and software to update and install";
start_searchResult3 = "Find drivers and software to update and install" ;
start_installAllButton = "Set automatically";
start_counterLabels = "Drivers: {{DRIVERS}}, program: {{SOFT}}";
start_or = "or";
start_installManuallyButton = "Set manually"; ui2_singleDriver = "Drivers"; button_prev = " Back "; button_next =" Next "; button_finish =" Finish "; content_driver =" DriverPack automatically detect the driver you want to your computer. You're just a click on the Install button! "; content_programm =" Why manually search for software? Put your trust in choosing software DriverPack Solution. "; content_diagnostics =" Diagnosis of a computer at a glance. "; content_settings =" Turn on expert mode, if you are a pro! "; button_devmgmt =" Device Manager "; button_devmgmt_h =" D :: Open Device Manager window "; button_msinfo = "S :: System Information"; button_msinfo_h = "S :: Open a window with information about the system"; button_refresh = "Refresh window"; button_refresh_h = "R :: Scan device drivers to pick up and update a window"; button_chkAll = "Select all "; button_chkAll_h =" A :: Select all drivers disclosed in the categories "; button_instAll =" Set "; button_instAll_h =" :: I set the selected drivers "; button_indexAll =" Index "; button_indexAll_h =" Start index "; button_settings =" Settings "; button_expert_mode =" Expert mode "; button_expert_mode_h =" Enable advanced interface "; button_options =" Settings "; button_analysis_log =" log analysis "; button_mode =" Mode: "; button_modeSmart =" Drivers Installation "; button_modeSmart_h =" Installation drivers with the selection of the best "; button_modeCreatingDB =" Indexing driver packs "; button_modeCreatingDB_h =" Perform indexing, so you can look for a driver in the driver-packs "; button_silent =" Silent Installation "; button_silent_h =" Do not show dialogs "; button_CPUtemp = "CPU temperature"; button_CPUtemp_h = "Auto-detect CPU temperature"; button_logsCurFolder = "Save log to disk"; button_logsCurFolder_h = "Saving the log of the program on your hard drive - The changes will take effect the next time you start the program"; button_activeDrvUpdater = "Activate DriverUpdater"; button_OEMInstall = "prescribed OEM information"; button_forced = "Force"; button_forced_h = "Install driver, even if the system already has a suitable driver"; button_start_page = "Set our home page"; button_start_page_h = "Set the home page in the browser"; button_signIgnor = "Install unsigned drivers"; button_signIgnor_h = "Attempt to automatically continue the installation of unsigned drivers"; button_lang = "Language:"; button_lang_h = "Change interface language"; button_individAssist = "Individual assistance"; button_individAssist_h = ""; button_bug = "Report Error (creation of the report) "; button_bug_h =" "; button_about =" About the program "; button_about_h =" "; button_help =" Help "; button_help_h =" "; button_builder =" Designer "; button_builder_h =" "; button_configurator =" Configurator updates "; button_configurator_h =" "; button_screenshot =" Take a screenshot of the window (required for report) "; button_screenshot_h =" "; button_delete =" Remove "; button_cancel =" Cancel "; button_continue =" Continue "; con_title =" Center for automatic install the drivers'; con_system = "system"; con_title12 = "Center for automatic settings of your computer"; con_diagnostics = "Diagnostics"; con_driver_available = "unknown drivers"; con_driver_available_h = "Necessary drivers are found in the driver-packs and set them up."; con_no_driver = "Unknown driver"; con_no_driver_h = "required drivers were not found in draverpakah. Try 'Search network'. "; Con_driver_new =" Updates for drivers "; con_driver_new_h =" More recent drivers have been found in the driver-packs and set them up. "; Con_driver_uptodate =" Installed drivers (current) "; con_driver_uptodate_h =" Drivers installed and working properly. "; con_driver_old =" Installed drivers (obsolete) "; con_driver_old_h =" Installed drivers fresher. You do not need to install these drivers, except in a situation where a set has become unstable. "; Con_driver_unknown =" Installed drivers (unknown) "; con_driver_unknown_h =" The drivers are installed and working. However, the appropriate drivers are not found in the driver-packs. Did not set the desired driver packs, the driver was not included in the driver pack or the devices are system "; con_driver_standard =" Installed Drivers (standard) "; con_driver_standard_h =" The drivers are installed and working. However, the appropriate drivers are not found in the driver-packs. Did not set the desired driver packs, the driver was not included in the driver pack or the devices are system "; con_driverpacks =" All the driver packs "; con_driverpacks_h =" List of uploaded driver packs "; con_tryManualMode =" Some of the drivers could be not installed "; system_comp =" Computer: "; system_BIOS =" the BIOS: "; system_processor =" Processor: "; system_procTemp =" P :: CPU temperature monitoring "; system_memory =" Memory (RAM): "; system_HDD =" Hard Drives: "; system_video =" Video: "; system_version =" Revision: "; system_winsystem =" System: "; system_instDate =" Installation date: "; system_Date_Day =" days "; system_Date_Day_morf1 =" days "; system_Date_Day_morf2 =" date " ; system_Date_Day_morf3 = "day"; system_instDate_hint = "You recently installed Windows on this computer. Therefore, we recommend that you update the driver on the chip, even if they have already been installed with the Windows! "; System_instDate_hint_title =" Recommended! "; Alert_completed =" The operation is complete. "; Alert_notSelected =" Do not select a driver to install. "; Alert_waitInstall =" Please Wait until the installation is completed. "; alert_notFolder =" not found a folder with files! The work program is not possible! R nCreate Drivers folder and place it in the archives of 7z-driver. R nPodrobnaya guide online www.drp.su "; alert_folderEmpty =" Drivers folder contains the driver packs! Without them, the work program is not possible! R n Detailed instructions on the website www.drp.su "; alert_askInstall =" Start in
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
